線上智能測驗B1+ Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Listening Comprehension Test 請根據影片內容回答第1至第3題,並選擇最適合的答案! 1. Did Max ask for Kevin's opinion?2. How happy is Max to hear Kevin's opinion? How can you tell?3. What could Kevin do better next time?Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. 選擇正確的單字以完成每個句子。 4. ____________ of the two reports had much information. *A:EitherB:Neitherc:All5. I studied _____________ subjects, but I enjoyed Journalism more than History. *A:bothB:neitherc:all6. Many online newspapers don't give free access to_____________ the content. *A:allB:eitherc:both7.Online news sites and newspapers are popular. I read __________ type since the information is the same. *A:eitherB:neitherc:allChoose the best form to complete the questions. 選擇正確選項來完成這些問題。 8. Have you___________ staying in a hotel on your own before? *A: stayedB: been9.What have you ____________ since I last saw you? *A:been doingB:done10.Which countries have you ___________ this year? *A:been visitingB:visited11.Have you____________ hard recently? *A:been workingB:worked12.Have you __________ plans for your next vacation yet? *A:madeB:been making姓名Name / LINE 名稱 *聯絡電話 *Email *填寫完成,請向顧問索取試題解答!